When do I plant spring flowers in Minnesota

When do I plant spring flowers in Minnesota

When do I plant spring flowers in Minnesota

Minnesota’s climate is not predictable, which makes it more difficult to know when to plant annuals. It is hard to predict when the weather will turn warm for good, just like we are experiencing right now. You can just look at the current spring versus spring last year. So, with the temperatures fluctuating all over the place when do we plant?


The frost date matters

The average last frost date for the Twin Cities area is May 21st. But there is a 90% change we will have our last 32-degree temperature by April 19th. So, like farmers, us owners who want to plant flowers early are gamblers! The annual flower growers say patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to annual flower planting.


Some annuals that can survive cold weather

Annuals can be separated in three categories, they are hardy annuals, half-hardy annuals and tropical or exotic annuals.

· Hardy annuals – can survive cold weather of into the 20’s. These are a good option for end of April. These include sweet pea, bachelor’s button, and pot marigold. They do better in the cooler temperatures than the hot summer month.

· Half-hardy annuals- they can tolerate weather into the 30’s. Lots of plants can be found in this category, they include marigolds, dusty miller, ageratum, and petunias.

· Tropical or exotic annuals – these are the most spectacular and popular. You should wait until June to plant these since they will die will weather below 40 degrees. They include begonias and impatiens.


More questions

The University of Minnesota is a wonderful resource and click here for information from them.


Happy Planting!

Consult a garden specialist for times other than those mentioned in this blog of “when do I plant flowers in Minnesota”


Please reach out to me if you need any other referrals at 612-386-8600.


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Jeff Anderson The Anderson Team RE/MAX Results


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